Very interesting. Thank you.

This is also interesting on the snake/serpent in Genesis:

"The snake and murder enters the garden"


These are interesting on tobacco:

"A comprehensive review of the many health benefits of smoking Tobacco"


"Plant Teachers: Ayahuasca, Tobacco and the Pursuit of Knowledge"


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Thanks Tirion, good links. We do enjoy Britian's Hidden History and have read Wilson and Blackett. They are doing fascinating work. We interviewed Marchell Abrahams on our Good Craic yt channel:


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Oh, that's you guys?! I subscribe to your YT channel but have been too dumb to realize that it's you 🙄

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We would say it is less you and more our lack of linking our numerous endeavors.

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That's a most generous sentiment. Perhaps it's a bit of both?!

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Yay, Crimi erudition, wit, style and cynicism back on line!

Bravo for allowing tobacco to help you, as is its delight (even if reduced to 'nicotine')!

A triple Yes to the 'vibrational' utterance.

'The mechanism of shedding remains easy to debunk because it is not physical, it is vibrational resonance. We all have been inhaling and imbibing nanotech and toxicity for decades, sprayed overhead, through all the crops we consume, and through the water systems ‘purified’ by a chemical oleo.⁠17 It is all gurgling about our interior terrain.' But we (some of us) are still 'vibrating' in life-congruent fashion.

And if the 'theys' can affect us vibrationally, does it mean that they have the power to subdue us, via physical and/or subtle pharmakon? Obviously yes, as regards those who know only their physicality and lack emotional expertise. Or does it point to the mysterious vibrational nature of who-we-are? Of this, I am more and more convinced. None of the new-age 'raise your vibrations' platitude porridge. But of course, the subtle reality of it is not taught.

It would also blow out of the water the other part of pharmakon's polysemy whereby pharma can turn anyone into a scapegoat - for pharma's own sins, at the very least.

'And Hermes runs the transmission game.' Until we make him run a different kind of transmission, perhaps?

Keeping this comment short, although this segment of your book has me diving into the whirlpool.

much love,


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Than you enna! My first job out of college with my shiny new English BA was in a transmission shop. No one else would hire me. Should have gotten the message then.

Living in Asheville, the 'platitude porridge' is standard-issued here along with a green Subaru Outback, along with a side order of spiritual virtue signaling. Maybe it takes three feet of toxic mud dumped on your town . . .

Actually there was a permaculture remediation methods talk at Mars Hill U that we attended, and unlike most gatherings we go to, it was tuned-in young folk, who actually work the land, 150 or so filling the hall. They know what is going on, they know fema is here to try to kill us, and they are just flipping the bird and marshalling on. Uplifting. (Interesting that the two main towns in the county north of us where our farm was, Madison, are Mars Hill and Marshall, 'Mars' Hall'. In Greece, home of Doinysius the Aereopagite and their courts.)

Always grateful for the reminder to vibrate congruently with Life!

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