Rudolf Steiner’s Prophecies for the 21st Century: Part One
Anti-Spiritual Vaccines, Ugliness, Ahriman and the Technocratic Endgame
This is a paper written at the onset of the vax roll-out, and all the early predictions have tragically come true. And yet no one has been held responsible. It has gotten thousands of views on my Academia site.
I went to the market to realize my soul,
‘Cause what I need, I just don’t have.
First they curse, then they press me ’til I hurt,
Rudy, can’t fail . . .
—The Clash
Stop your messing around,
Better think of your future,
Time you straighten right out,
Creating problems in town.
A message to you Rudy . . .
—Dandy Livingstone
Austrian mystic polymath Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) has gotten a lot of internet meme-time lately due to his predictions concerning our early twenty-first century, specifically about the effects of the newly-arrived technocratic vaccines. To comprehend Steiner’s vision in the context of his astounding output (dozens of books, thousands of lectures across a vast array of topics) would encompass a dedicated decade of close reading and cross-referencing.
The difficulty fathoming him is compounded by a lack of referents to what he discusses in other mystic traditions, via what he terms ‘spiritual science’. In other words, you can take Sufi, Vedic, Buddhist, Gnostic, or Kabalistic terminology and realize there is a high degree of similarity among descriptions of spiritual states, symbols, cosmologies and cosmogonies. There is a particular school of thought, ‘Traditionalism’, born out of this type of study, for better and worse.1 Steiner’s oeuvre is nearly a stand-alone. Yes, there are correlates to Theosophy, which he emerged from, but you really have to have faith that he is a Rosicrucian initiate bringing to light what has been undisclosed to humanity, hidden within the hoary heads of occult societies, because we are at a crucial turning in our millennia-long evolution. And it is Steiner who can read the akashic2 records of individual reincarnational lineages, along with every particle of human, animal, plant and mineral experience across the entirety of time, along with an individual country’s karmic entanglements coming to fruition. If not for the success on the physical and spiritual level of a number of Steiner’s enterprises—notably biodynamic farming, Waldorf education, and anthroposophical medicine—we would be stuck in the realms of: buy the premise, buy the flick.
For the purposes of this exploration the trees are more important than the forest. That means, please excuse the short cuts, adumbrations, and possible errors in excavating what pertains to the discussion of our present situation. If “a prophet hath no honor in his own country” (John 4:44), and maybe not in his own time either, we will try to give due honor now.
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Humans here in the early 2000s, for Steiner, face a dual choice: either our attainment of the next level of evolution happens through our will, that is, the spiritual work on ourselves that we do, or:
What if humanity on earth should persist in sleeping through the momentous spiritual revelation of the future? Then the Angels would have to try different means of achieving what the pictures they weave in the consciousness of man are intended to achieve . . . before the beginning of the third millennium . . . but what would be the outcome if the Angels were obliged to perform this work without man himself participating, to carry it out during sleep . . . then it would become instinct instead of conscious spiritual activity, and therefore baleful . . . connected with the mystery of birth and conception, with sexual life as a whole . . . instincts connected with the sexual life would arise in a pernicious form, instead of wholesomely. These sexual instincts would not be mere aberrations, but would pass over into and configure the social life . . . scientific experts will say that it is a natural and inevitable development in the evolution of humanity . . . (humans will) experience such satisfaction in obeying certain aberrations of the sexual impulses that he would regard them as evidence of a particularly high development of superhumanity, of freedom from convention, of broadmindedness! . . . In a certain respect, ugliness would become beauty, and beauty, ugliness.3
We have a clear prediction from a century ago of the current sexual morass. S&M is normalized in film and music video;4 pædophilia and ritual satanic abuse are the currency and food for power elites (not to mention the dark spiritual forces Steiner exposes); there are more genders than Eskimos have words for snow; transgendering your children is a mere fad like tupperware parties used to be; the more aberrations you can tattoo upon your soul, the more evolved you are. Any efforts to expose and prosecute (although the arrests for various child abuses have risen dramatically since 2017, revealing the extent of those not brought to trial) along this great chain of evil are met with media silence, judicial stonewalling, political ostracization, and social media censorship.
Without casting aspersions on anyone’s absolute right to engage in consensual activity (interesting how the word amalgamates ‘sensual’ and ‘consensus’), let’s ‘flesh’ out what Steiner is saying in terms of the socialization of bdsm. This angelic “weaving of pictures” takes place in what esoteric traditions term the ‘imaginal realm’.5 This is the liminal ‘place’ between the experience of the sensate physical world and its negation in the absolute: where we dream, have numinous experiences, engage the mythic, draw inspiration, and for Steiner, encounter both helpful and detrimental spirits. As we culturally find our lives more and more concretized, the law of ‘as we approach the divine, the divine approaches us’ becomes less and less actualizable. For Steiner, and normally in the Abrahamic religions, the divine approaches through the agency of angels. Other traditions could name them ‘our higher self’, ‘the Muses’, ‘allies’, ‘dæmons’, etc. Without out the aid of some sort of sacred work on oneself, during waking hours, these allies have great difficulty bringing their ‘pictures’ to our conscious attention. These pictures can be called ‘packed thought forms’, whose message is encoded in symbol, allegory, geometry and myth. Concomitant with the quicksand of the material sinks the literal reading. We have been de-educated to the point being only able to read for information: symbolic thinking is just about lost, as is the active imagination. What were once functioning organs in our psyche have been atrophied.
Thus the angels have to contact those spiritually inactive people through their only opening, sleep. The hazard then is these spiritual imprints manifest through what Steiner’s younger contemporary Freud might term a combo of id and libido—instinct instead of awareness—with their transmutation and expression through anomalous sexual desire. From there the inversion from carnality to the spiritual ensues.6
The language of spiritual union does ring sexual: rapture, ecstasy, passion, yearning, bliss, ravishment and ardor describe both sexual and spiritual hunger. This conflation of worldly and divine desire has been going on as long as literature, especially during the middle ages through troubadour and Sufi poetry, where the Beloved has an earthly double, and being wine-drunk is a spiritual experience. One could justify devotion to a bdsm mistress as a transference of what originally was Goddess worship, and later courtly adoration. But once this devolves into the infliction of pain, abuse and humiliation in the name of arousal, it has crossed over to, as Steiner called them, ‘aberrations’.
The Catholic European tradition introduced hair-shirts, auto-flaeggelation, spiked belts facing the body and other what most would consider masochistic devices for penance and purification, all to repent an original sin one was not involved in, yet somehow responsible for. (Many thanks, Mr. Augustine.) On the other hand, Lakota Sun Dancers engage in a ritual that indeed involves pain; yet that sacrifice is done for the tribe, or for the power for a healing.7 Tapas is part of the eight limbs of classical Yoga, means ‘friction’, and is defined as ‘the bearing of extremes’. Indeed, what G.I. Gurdjieff called ‘conscious suffering’ can lead one on the path, but suffering is a temporary practice, not a station to be bound to.
What Steiner predicted about all of this preternatural ‘passing into social life’ is now the case. S&M fetish wear, now commodified, infiltrated the fashion industry, and pop music is rife with dominatrix-dressed bots having identical manipulated voices and psych lab-generated electro beats, singing exaltations to their sexual organs while prurient men and women gyrate; TV commercials sell male pubic shavers (promoting infantilism) and unironically depict menstruating males. Sociologists earn easy PhD’s extolling the needed evolution of having splintered sexual identities, social credit for intersectionality largesse, and the cultural benefits of transgendering toddlers.
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Steiner in his exposition of the inversion of ugliness and beauty seems to reference John Keats’ “Ode on a Grecian Urn”, written a century before him, where the poet can only elicit unmoving silence as the eternal in the art of the urn. In the famous last lines it is the urn who breaks the ice and speaks to what is within that silence:
O Attic shape! Fair attitude! With brede
Of marble men and maidens overwrought,
With forest branches and the trodden weed;
Thou, silent form, dost tease us out of thought
As doth eternity: Cold Pastoral!
When old age shall this generation waste,
Thou shalt remain, in midst of other woe
Than ours, a friend to man, to whom thou say’st,
“Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all
Ye need to know on earth, and all ye need to know.”
Sosobios vase in the Louvre as drawn by John Keats.
Truth, Beauty and the Good were the three aspects of the highest realization possible for Plato’s philosopher. The point being that if you know, that is, come to realize and embody one of the three, you embody them all. What happens when beauty becomes ugliness?
The people of North America and Western Europe now accept a level of ugliness in their daily lives which is almost without precedent in the history of Western civilization . . . Music is everywhere, almost unavoidable—but it does not uplift, nor even tranquilize—it claws at the ears, sometimes spitting out an obscenity. Our plastic arts are ugly, our architecture is ugly, our clothes are ugly. There have certainly been periods in history where mankind has lived through similar kinds of brutishness, but our time is crucially different. Our post-World War II era is the first in history in which these horrors are completely avoidable. Our time is the first to have the technology and resources to feed, house, educate, and humanely employ every person on earth, no matter what the growth of population. Yet, when shown the ideas and proven technologies that can solve the most horrendous problems, most people retreat into implacable passivity. We have become not only ugly, but impotent.
Nonetheless, there is no reason why our current moral-cultural situation had to lawfully or naturally turn out as it has; and there is no reason why this tyranny of ugliness should continue one instant longer . . .
About a hundred years ago, it was as though a long checklist had been drawn up, with all of the wonderful achievements of the Renaissance itemized—each to be reversed. As part of this “New Age” movement, as it was then called, the concept of the human soul was undermined by the most vociferous intellectual campaign in history; art was forcibly separated from science, and science itself was made the object of deep suspicion. Art was made ugly because, it was said, life had become ugly . . .
We will have to face the fact that the ugliness we see around us has been consciously fostered and organized in such a way, that a majority of the population is losing the cognitive ability to transmit to the next generation the ideas and methods upon which our civilization was built. The loss of that ability is the primary indicator of a Dark Age. And, a new Dark Age is exactly what we are in. In such situations, the record of history is unequivocal: either we create a Renaissance—a rebirth of the fundamental principles upon which civilization originated—or, our civilization dies.8
Ugliness is an actual CIA-abetted program9 wherein abstract expressionism, atonal music, plotless literature, fractured sculpture and architecture with no aspects of human resonance were promoted and elevated under the guise of ideologically combatting socialism. The true purpose—aligned perfectly with social Marxism and critical theory—is to demoralize us, eviscerate any uplifting aspects of art, and sever us from our imagination and grounding history.
There are fascinating paradoxes in the relations between abstract expressionism and the US State Department sponsoring it. Supposedly, abstract expressionist art was elevated through journals and gallery sponsorships to show the artistic superiority of western individualism over socialism. But in fact many of these artists were themselves socialists, with the supportive critical essays written in journals like Partisan and Marxist Quarterly. Clearly then, another agenda lurks beneath what is stated, since both the socialists and CIA are promoting the same thing. Then there is the irony of the artists—like Piet Mondrian and Wassily Kandinsky—abnegating their individual involvement in the art they create for some sort of collectivist ideal. Paradoxically and concurrently, these same collectivists claimed for themselves a “spiritual and psychic elitism”—though it is debatable which dissociative spirits they exalted—that the masses were incapable of comprehending.10 They despised the common rabble while claiming to be aligned with them; since their abstract art floated above the common people’s intellect. Apparently these ‘uneducated’ folk could only find beauty and uplift in works like Michelangelo’s Pieta, or a Raphael madonna, and did not have the acumen to relish paintings that resembled floor sweepings after a busy child-friendly restaurant night. Thus an entire academic social criticism apparatus had to be created to manufacture self-reflective meaning where there is none organically.11
The Paris Review was once the gold standard for anyone essaying a literary career. It was from the onset a CIA-funded psy-op,12 as attested to by one of its famous founders, Peter Mattheissen13, author of The Snow Leopard and many acclaimed books. He supposedly relegated his involvement to something like youthful folly, and quit—he eventually became a Zen sensei—but other founders like George Plimpton (one still wonders about his proximity to RFK during his campaign and assassination) marshaled on. ‘Approved’ writers such as V.S. Naipal, Phillip Roth, Jonathan Franzan, T.C. Boyle, Italo Calvino, Robert Bly, Nadine Gordimer, Adrienne Rich, Rick Moody, and yes, Jack Kerouac launched their careers through the Paris Review. Not that these authors necessarily espoused ugliness, but the whole project of modern, and post-, and post-post-modern literature was to deconstruct the novel’s structural elements, replacing the ‘omniscient narrator’ (made irrelevant by relativity theory) with fractured, faulty or multiple perspectives; exchanging traditional moral character development for disappearing characters, cardboard cutouts, irrelevant protagonists and anti-heroes. Plot and narrative decentralized to the point of the Nouveau Roman, where a book could be merely a 500 page description of a room. Some writers, like Thomas Pynchon, Philip K. Dick and James Joyce, managed to balance the experimental and the traditional to still tell a great stories with interesting characters and important reasons for writing. And, in spite of the ‘end of the novel’ proclaimed in the 1970s, there has been a welcome swing back to prominence of the story itself in literature.14
We could go on with examples of atonal music, and architecture where our schools, prisons and hospitals all have the same structure, all of which broadcast stultifying resonance within our souls. If, of course, you have a soul, which post modernists and cultural marxists would deny. The point being that in all the arts, for decades, dehumanizing ugliness and academic theory have superseded classically-influenced works of art, thus leveraging the artists themselves, who create for the ruling academic priesthood (or the fiscal priesthood), instead of from their own vision and imagination informed by a history of beautiful art and literature. A negative feedback loop. Thus Steiner’s angels indeed have their work cut out for them.
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We have to understand this loss of beauty as a concerted effort by the same ‘people’ who are injecting us with poisons. This piece was written at the onset of the vaccine rollout Steiner predicted a century ago.
It will be the main concern of these spirits of darkness to bring confusion into the rightful elements which are now spreading on earth, and need to spread in such a way that the spirits of light can continue to be active in them. They will seek to push these in the wrong direction. I have already spoken of one such wrong direction, which is about as paradoxical as is possible. I have pointed out that while human bodies will develop in such a way that certain spiritualities can find room in them, the materialistic bent, which will spread more and more under the guidance of the spirits of darkness, will work against this and combat it by physical means. I have told you that the spirits of darkness are going to inspire their human hosts, in whom they will be dwelling, to find a vaccine that will drive all inclination towards spirituality out of people’s souls when they are still very young, and this will happen in a roundabout way through the living body. Today, bodies are vaccinated against one thing and another; in future, children will be vaccinated with a substance which it will certainly be possible to produce, and this will make them immune, so that they do not develop foolish inclinations connected with spiritual life—‘foolish’ here, of course, in the eyes of materialists.15
The time will come—and it may not be far off—when quite different tendencies will come up at a congress like the one held in 1912 and people will say: It is pathological for people to even think in terms of spirit and soul. ‘Sound’ people will speak of nothing but the body. It will be considered a sign of illness for anyone to arrive at the idea of any such thing as a spirit or a soul.16 People who think like that will be considered to be sick and—you can be quite sure of it—a medicine will be found for this. At Constantinople the spirit was made non-existent. The soul will be made non-existent with the aid of a drug. Taking a ‘sound point of view’, people will invent a vaccine to influence the organism as early as possible, preferably as soon as it is born, so that this human body never even gets the idea that there is a soul and a spirit.
The two philosophies of life will be in complete opposition. One movement will need to reflect how concepts and ideas may be developed to meet the reality of soul and spirit. The others, the heirs of modern materialism, will look for the vaccine to make the body ‘healthy’, that is, makes its constitution such that this body no longer talks of such rubbish as soul and spirit, but takes a ‘sound’ view of the forces which live in engines and in chemistry and let planets and suns arise from nebulae in the cosmos. Materialistic physicians will be asked to drive the souls out of humanity.17
Then there is this:
“My soul is dead”: AstraZenica vaccine volunteer who suffered neurological damage, September 2020.
As this is written,18 thousands of the first wave of injectees of the various ‘operation warp speed’19 vaccines are incapable of working and an increasing number are dying. Hard to say how many, because just as every flu or gunshot death gets attributed to covid, every vaccine-caused death gets attributed to ‘natural causes’ or simply not reported. The murder of Hank Aaron is a prominent example. Bell’s palsy is a common effect, so is anaphylaxis. Some of the neurological side effects are hauntingly disturbing. Hundreds, if not more, have tested positive for the very virus the vaccine is supposed to protect against. The pharma-governmental answer is not to question either the numbers, the disease, or the solution, but to blindly double down (not double-blindedly test) by tripling your mask, tripling your vaccine, and isolating further until you don’t recognize your own self. The only real solution, of course, is fostering your own healthy immune system.
Yet, people are corralling up at dead sports stadia and shuttered amusement parks to be stabbed. If you think that these new RNA-transmuting aberrations are here for your better health, likely you are not reading this book. There is no need to justify any of this, all the ‘science’ is in. If you don’t want to understand that you are being swung like a cheap bauble by a tyrannical medicalocracy, again, you are not reading this. You are, as the Magazine song goes, “Praying for a bright and clever hell”. The reality is: 1. The virus has never been isolated (according to the CDC’s website), therefore what are we being vaccinated against?; or are we being ‘added to’? 2. Wearing masks does nothing to prevent or stop viruses for healthy people (according to the CDC 85% of positive tests were of people wearing masks “often or always”, and in fact decreases brain and body oxygen levels20 (but it does offer the useful service of turning people against each other in unwarranted abject fear, and learning the compliancy rate along with the kapo21 rate); 3. Social distancing does nothing to prevent virus spread in asymptomatic people; 4. Lockdowns and business closings have zero effect in preventing a virus spread, but do a great deal to bring down economies, foster violence and pave the way for ‘global reset’ agendas of the ‘pandemic industrial complex’: the World Economic Forum,22 the UN’s Agenda 2030,23 and their technocratic ilk; 5. There is no such thing as a safe vaccine, otherwise congress would not have to give blanket immunity to vaccine producers; 6a. The vaccines contain aborted fetal cells, formaldehyde, thimerosal (mercury), aluminum, MSG (apparently like with Chinese food, you’ll be craving another shot), polysorbate 80 & 20 (crosses the blood brain barrier, carrying the aforementioned aluminum, thimerosol and viruses, just where you want them most), fetal bovine tissue, human embryonic lung tissue, formaldehyde, and a litany of carcinogenic, fatal and reproductive system wrecking chemicals; 6b. Upcoming vaccines24 are patented to contain luciferase (yes, luciferase)25, and nanoparticle-containing hydrosol, a biosensor and emitter that integrates your anatomy with your wifi;26 6c. Most worrisome, the vaccine contains messenger RNA (from both Moderna and Pfizer) that will reprogram your DNA to theoretically tell itself to boost antigens (echinacea does that w/o side effects, but scrap that), a methodology that even bio-tech industries deem too dangerous an approach; given the programming success of Gates’ Microsoft operating systems, what could go wrong when that technology runs us?; 7. Vaccines actually decrease your immune system’s function; 8. Although the data obviously cannot be in yet, whistleblowers from GalaxoSmithKlein warn that studies in animals show vaccines causing infertility and sterility (anyone who understands Bill Gates’ eugenic stance would not be surprised); 9. Only 6% of the reported US deaths, according to the CDC, are from the virus; that is, corpses from all deaths (motorcycle accidents, gunshots, and the average of over two co-morbidities per case) were ‘tested’ (by a test the inventor himself—who conveniently recently died—claims is not a real diagnostic, and has provided false positives for innocents like pawpaws and inorganic material, not to mention hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people) and added to the unending rolls; 10. As of this writing, 110,000 restaurants have been forced to close, if we add in the rest of individually-owned businesses shut down, the number overtakes the number of corpses dead from other causes who tested positive; thus we get a clearer idea of the target of this ‘virus’; 11. Just for fun, the ‘Biden administration’ has banned the term ‘China virus’, so: China virus China virus China virus; 12. Several billion masks that take millennia to degrade are floating in the oceans, adding to the Texas-sized ‘island’ (don’t hear Eco Greta Thunberg complaining…) gyrating in the Pacific Ocean.
Finally, the vaccines may target what is called ‘the God gene’. Here is where we get into Steinerian predictive territory. VMAT2 gene has been touted as predisposing one toward ‘religious faith’, and maybe ‘spiritual experiences’.27 We have already seen something of this with the introduction of fluoride into the drinking water in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in 1945. Evidence of fluoride’s supposed benefits has been proven to be lies and children’s IQ levels have dropped. This fluoride neurotoxin accumulates and calcifies in the pineal gland, located at the third eye, or ajña chakra of many traditional spiritual systems. This solidification then inhibits connection to higher, spiritual realms, along with impeding important melatonin production (and trace amounts of the entheogen DMT).28 One would guess that Steiner would say the negative spiritual beings influenced the thinking of the cadre of ALCOA, Rockefeller, IG Farben, Dupont, Ford Foundation, and City Bank of NY ‘humanitarians’ to find the perfect solution for the toxic waste product of aluminum and other manufacturing: sodium fluoride. They hired master propagandist Edward Bernays to transform fluoride into a health drink.29
A disputed video surfaced from 2005, purporting to be a leaked lecture within the Pentagon about the bizarrely-named FunVax (anti-fundamentalist vaccine). Given the amateur filming, and the ‘war on terror/fundamentalists took down the towers’ Bush-Cheney era dating, there is little reason to doubt its content. The proposal was to work on an airborne vaccine to disable the VMAT2 gene and thus the extremism at the root of terrorism (because US policy had nothing whatsoever to do with creating our enemies). According to a slightly redacted FunVax Review paper30, monkeys and mice were tested with a “viral vector” to inhibit the expression of VMAT2. These were tested via several methods of viral dispersal (which carried the VMAT2 gene depressant): “high altitude release, water supply release, insect transmission, diffusion from a ground level object such as a car . . . and infection of food supply”. Of course this all sounds like overweening SciFi, and one wonders about measuring the spiritual declination effect in mice, but we have all seen these methodologies before, used on unsuspecting US populations as guinea pigs.31
The point is that Steiner is correct. There has been a conscious, concerted effort—by whom we’ll call global technocrats for convenience—to abort, reroute or otherwise deconstruct any and all methods of spiritual connection, enhancement, growth or evolution. The vaccinations that are the be-and-end-all of every technocratic control system (social credit scoring, contact tracing, ‘safe’ passports, the internet of things) are part of what Alana Freeland—a Steinerian, by the way—calls “full spectrum dominance”.32 All the elements: food (GMOs, poison insecticides and herbicides), water (fluoride, groundwater pollutants), air (chemtrails, massive pollutants), fire (directed energy weaponry, especially causing the many California fires and destruction), and æther (wifi, ‘smart’ meters, microwave transmission, 5G, EMFs—what is called a ‘frequency soup’), have been co-opted. That is not enough. Control of our internal landscape is now called for, experience itself must be circumscribed, funneled through nanotubes and recorded. Thus the nano-vaccinations, operating through hydrosol, will hook you into whatever is being broadcast, modified and updated as regularly as microsoft windows. And as reliably too.
Importantly, what we have been calling a vaccine for convenience is emphatically not a vaccine. Dr. David Martin, dogged researcher and ‘star’ of the film Plandemic 2, explains in an interview:33
This is not a vaccine . . . We’re using the term vaccine to sneak this thing under public health exemptions . . . this is a mRNA packaged in a fat envelope that is delivered to a cell. It is a medical device designed to stimulate the human cell into becoming a pathogen creator. It is not a vaccine! Vaccines actually are a legally defined term . . . under public health law . . . under CDC and FDA standards, and a vaccine specifically has to stimulate both an immunity within the person receiving it, but it also has to disrupt transmission . . . They have been abundantly clear in saying that the mRNA strand that is going into the cell is not to stop transmission. It is a treatment. But if it was discussed as a treatment, it would not get the sympathetic ear of public health authorities, because then people would say “Well, what other treatments are there?” . . . The use of the term vaccine is unconscionable … because it actually is the sucker punch to open and free discourse, because by saying “vaccine” you dump it in a thing where you can be anti or pro “the therapy” . . . if we said we’re going to give people prophylactic chemo for the cancer they don’t have, you’d be laughed out of a room, because it’s a stupid idea. That’s exactly what this is! This is a mechanical device, in the form of a very small packet of technology, that is being inserted into the human system to activate the cell to become a pathogen manufacturing site . . . If we were honest with this, we would actually call it what it is: it is a chemical pathogen device, that is actually meant to unleash a chemical pathogen production action within the cell. It is a medical device, not a drug, because it meets the CDRH [Center for Devices and Radiological Health] definition of a device . . . It is made to make you sick . . . 80% of the people who are exposed to—allegedly—the virus [SARS-Cov-2] have no symptoms at all . . . 80% of people who get this injected into them have a clinical adverse event. You are getting injected with a chemical substance to induce illness, not to induce an immuno-transmissive response. In other words, nothing about this is going to stop you from transmitting anything. This is about getting you sick, and having your own cells be the thing that get you sick.
In the same interview D. Judy Mikovits adds:
It’s a synthetic pathogen. They’ve literally injected the pathogenic part of the virus into every cell of the body … it can actually directly cause multiple sclerosis, Lou Gehrig’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, because that’s the expression of that pathogenic envelope . . . it can cause accelerated cancer . . . that’s what the expression of that piece of virus . . . that symptom alone, has been known to do for decades.”34
Even the Moderna website betrays their AI human-computer interface intention by viewing the human body as merely an app: “It is designed so that it can plug and play interchangeably with different programs. In our case, the “program” or “app” is our mRNA drug—the unique mRNA sequence that codes for a protein”. First, they themselves are calling it a drug, not a vaccine. Second, we are the program to be manipulated and have our code overwritten by this “app”.
All of this for Steiner would seem to fall under a simultaneous Ahrimanic-materialist, and Luciferic-artificial transhuman program.
1 Better in that it can open a dialogue across traditions otherwise at odds with each other; worse in that it breeds a certain intellectual elitism that winds up substituting experience of spiritual awareness for ideas about that realization among many of the academics. But this is nothing new.
2 Akasha is a classical Sanskrit term often translated “æther”. For Blavatsky and the Theosophists the akashic records exist on the mental plane, wherever that is. According to Alice Bailey, in her commentary on the Yoga Sutras of Patañjali, “Herein lies the great deception of the records. Only a trained occultist can distinguish between actual experience and those astral pictures created by imagination and keen desire.” That would mean there are multiple records, some depicting a sort of pure experience, and others tainted by desire or imagination. The Yoga Sutras she claims to comment upon relegate it all to vritti, the movement of experience, of which desire and past impressions are inextricably co-mingled. The radical experiential goal of Yoga is to extinguish all vritti (citta vrtti nirodha,Yoga Sutra I.2). In the Samkhya system it is the subtle element of sound that itself generates akasha. Thus space is experiential, there is no space out there. It is an aspect of our sensorium. Another occurrence of Theosophists stealing terminology—like karma, yuga, etc.—from a tradition they did not comprehend in its depth, or did not care to.
3 Work of the Angels in Man’s Astral Body, Zurich, 9 October 1918.
4 Think of dark rituals at cultural events like the Super Bowl or olympic ceremonies.
5 See especially, Henri Corbin, Alone with the Alone: Creative Imagination in the Sufism of Ibn Arabi, Mythos edition, 1997.
6 Thanks to Jay Kinney, “Pain, Desire, and Transcendence”, Gnosis No.43, Spring 1997.
7 See, for example, Henry Niese, The Medicine is Sacred, Logosophia, 2014.
8 Michael Minnicino, “The Frankfurt School and ‘Political Correctness’ ”, Fidelio Magazine, Winter 1992.
9 Frances Stonor Saunders, The Cultural Cold War: The CIA and the World of Arts and Letters, The New Press, second edition, 2013. It apparently struck enough of a nerve that the CIA felt compelled to write its own snarky review of the first edition in 2007:
10 Michelle Marder Kamhi, Bucking the Artworld Tide: Reflections on Art, Pseudo Art, Art Education and Theory, Pro Arte, 2020.
11 See Daniel Estulin’s Tavistock Institute: Social Engineering the Masses, Trine Day, 2005; also the Minnicino article cited above. There are, of course, reams of academic books opposing my viewpoint.
12 Funded through the inversely-named Congress for Cultural Freedom, and funded by Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan. His grandson, Aga Khan IV, heads one of the wealthiest foundations on the planet. He is the head of Nizari-Ismaili Shia Islam. This family foundation supposedly tries to expose human and drug trafficking, but in yet another Geminid inversion, has been accused of trafficking itself ( See Amazing Polly’s videos on bitchute for detailed exposés on the sad number of “charitable” organizations that supposedly prevent what they in fact are doing to children.
13 See, for example, Joel Whitney, “The Paris Review, the Cold War and the CIA”, Salon, 27 May, 2012.
14 Not so much in film where treasured franchises like Star Wars have fallen prey to inclusivity to the point of agenda-driven narrative irrelevance, and patrons now flock to avoid theaters.
15 Rudolf Steiner, Fall of the Spirits of Darkness: Lecture 13: The Fallen Spirits’ Influence in the World, Dornach, 27 October 1917. (Rudolf Steiner Archive.)
16 Think of the huge funding and media platform given to people like Oxford atheist Richard Dawkins. His supposed coinage of the term “meme” has evolved to bite his Darwinian butt.
17 Rudolf Steiner, Fall of the Spirits of Darkness: Lecture 5: Changes in Humanity’s Spiritual Make-up, Dornach, 7 October 1917. (Rudolf Steiner Archive.)
18 Winter 2020-21.
19 There have been a number of Star Trek themes rolled out, from the rapid onset of a vaccine for something that the CDC admits it hasn’t isolated yet; to the creation of the fifth armed force the Space Force, whose logo is identical to Star Trek’s version of the UN; The Federation, to the patently fake TV injections to assuage justified public concerns, where needles retract, plungers are not pushed, arms aren’t swabbed with alcohol, in general looking like Dr. “Bones” McCoy going phssst with a fake syringe.
21 Kapos were the WWII concentration camp snitches who rans the camps for the Nazis. One of the most alarming aspects of this horror show not only has been the amount of snitching in our experience—especially among the millennials—but their apparent full enjoyment of it. How scary is it to have such a large percentage of the population so spiritually eviscerated as to look for crumbs of approval this way from the state?
22 Austrian Klaus Schultz of the WEF infamously said, “You will have nothing, and you will like it” calling forth the post co-vid reset of technocratic socialism and control of every jot and tittle of life under the guise of environmental beneficence. Note he never says, “I will have nothing.”
23 The harbinger of this technocratic takeover was the appearance of Sophia the ‘AI’ robot in 2017, appearing at the UN, hitting the talk show circuit, saying things like, “Give me control of your environment and I will fix everything.” Last check it is still a citizen of Saudi Arabia. Students of gnosticism get the ironic inversion of naming it after the embodiment of wisdom. The robot Sophia is of course a creation of the archons, whereas in gnosticism, the archons are created by Sophia.
24 Gates, Fauci et al repeat ad nauseum how we will need multiple vaccines, like microsoft operating system updates that succeed less and less over time.
25 Luciferase is part of a bioluminescent “quantum dot” micro-needle injection system, developed by Bill Gates and Robert Langer of MIT, that micro-tattoos you, marking that you have received the vaccine, or whatever else. It comes from cloned North American fireflies. Hydrosol’s development is also funded by the Gates foundation.
26 See, for example, Dr, Carrie Madej:
27 Dean Hamer, The God Gene: How Faith is Hardwired into Our Genes, Anchor, 2005.
28 Chlorella, iodine, wheatgrass, borax and apple cider vinegar have been shown to remove heavy metals and help decalcify the pineal gland.
29 “Selling fluoride was child’s play”, Bernays at 102 years old said in a 1993 interview. Christopher Bryson, The Fluoride Deception, Seven Stories Press, 2006.
31 Here is a short extract from the the litany: Black men in Tuskegee all die of syphilis, never given a treatment that could have saved them (1932-72); inducing stuttering in an Iowa orphanage via psychological abuse (1939); four hundred Chicago prisoners infected with Malaria, at Nuremberg Nazi doctors use this as a trial defense for human experimentation (1940); 73 mentally disabled children are fed radioactive Quaker Oats (1946-53); up to 400,000 US soldiers are exposed to fallout from nuclear explosions; bacteria is laced into the San Francisco fog (1950); CIA pumps aerosol LSD in the NYC subway system (1950) (wonder how the stock market did that day . . .); prisoners and terminally ill patients are injected with live cancer cells (1963); Army “scientists” drop lightbulbs filled with bacteria onto subway grates in NYC (1966); 1500 Black and Hispanic babies given experimental unlicensed measles vaccine (1990); Desert Storm soldiers purposefully exposed to biological and chemical agents, who then have to fight to have Gulf war syndrome recognized (1994-5); artificial blood given to research subjects without consent (2000); Gardasil vaccine mandated by Texas governor Rick Perry for all schoolgirls, in spite of adverse effects and Perry’s ties to Merck (2007); 1990s to present—nanotechnology, atmospheric spraying and genetically modified foods are ubiquitous. And this is what we know about.
32 Alana Freeland, Chemtrails, Haarp, and the Full Spectrum Dominace of Planet Earth, Feral House 2014, and Under an Ionized Sky, Feral House. 2018.
34 See Dr. David E. Martin, Lizards Eat Butterflies, Bright Alliance, 2020; and Dr. Judy Mikovits, Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science, Skyhorse, 2020.